3 days. 9 hours. Pure artistic discovery, play and memorable fun!
Come Join us!
This year ( 2023) I will be offering 2 camps- July 5,6, and 7 and August 9, 10, and 11. Each camp session runs for 3 days from noon to 3 pm. All materials, snacks and drinks are included in the session fee. Children 7 years and up are welcome to join. If you have a child who is younger that would like to join a smaller group day workshop, please let me know!
Each year, we discover and explore new materials and techniques ranging from new printing styles, collage, charcoal and chalk pastel, and my personal favorite watercolors.
Last year, students created meaningful and personal works in watercolor, explored block printing, tried out so many new techniques, got very inspired ( and enjoyed the snacks of course), and had a wonderful reception at both art shows on the last day of each camp. I offer private lessons throughout the year as well as private workshops for children and adults.
I would love for your children to join me this year as we delve deeper into artistic play, experimentation, and honing in our technical skills too! if you know of anyone that would be interested or if this piqued your own interest, please send me an email for more information at helenalalitaatelier@gmail.com or send me a message on Facebook of instagram.